Technical Approval: ITB no. AT-15-9505/2015
National Declaration of Performance KDWU/HZ/06/2017
The mcr Tecbor boards are a modern construction material designed for building fire-retardant cladding of construction components, as well as building independent components with a declared fire resistance class, e.g.:
They can also be used for the construction of housings of machines, industrial equipment and fireplaces, as well as for fire barriers in ventilation dampers.
Their physical and mechanical properties, e.g. non-combustibility (class A1 as per EN), fire-retardancy and good thermal insulation, ensure successful applications in both general and industrial construction. The mcr Tecbor magnesium boards can be used in place of OSBs, fibre cement boards and gypsum boards.
The light-coloured smooth external surface of the board makes it usable without any additional coating (plastering, painting, or stone or ceramic tiling is possible later).
Additional materials: mcr Tecbor Joint Paste, mcr Tecbor Adhesive.
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